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Die Nuklearmedizin/NuclearMedicine ist ein Standes- und Fachorgan von hohem wissenschaftlichen Anspruch. Dies beweist der Impact Factor (2003) von 1,849. Original-, Übersichtsarbeiten und Kasuistiken in deutscher oder englischer Sprache informieren über neue Diagnose- und Therapieformen in der Nuklearmedizin und im Strahlenschutz. In diesem offiziellen Organ der Deutschen, Österreichischen und Schweizerischen Gesellschaften…

Modern Rheumatology

Modern Rheumatology publishes original papers in English on research pertinent to rheumatology and associated areas such as pathology, physiology, clinical immunology, microbiology, biochemistry, experimental animal models, and pharmacology. Case reports and occasional reviews of topics which may be of wide interest to the readership will be accepted. In addition, concise…


The only international journal devoted exclusively to lupus (and related disease) research. Lupus includes the most promising new clinical and laboratory-based studies from leading specialists in all lupus-related disciplines. Invaluable reading, with extended coverage, lupus-related disciplines include: ¢ Rheumatology ¢ Dermatology ¢ Immunology ¢ Obstetrics ¢ Psychiatry ¢ Cardiovascular Research…

Modern Pathology

Modern Pathology is the official journal of the United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology (USCAP). Modern Pathology is available as both a print and online journal. After 18 years, the journal's main focus remains the publication of peer-reviewed original papers reporting innovative clinical and translational research in the pathology…